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Pregnancy During Lockdown


2020 has been an eventful year to say the least. What should have been an amazing year for myself and my family last year, didn’t quite go to plan.

We was actually meant to be flying out to new York to get married in March, but lockdown happened and our wedding got cancelled. It was at this same time we found out we was pregnant with our second baby, which had we got married would have fell perfect for us. But it wasn’t to be.

At the start of lockdown we moved back into my father’s house, myself and my partner decided that since my dad lived on a farm it was an ideal environment to isolate away from everyone, with enough land around us to keep my just turned 2year old occupied, and the extra help with the fact that I don’t have the best of pregnancies as it is.

We couldn’t have made a better choice for our 2 year old, we was able to toilet tarin him really quickly, he enjoyed working and playing on the farm with my partner and his grandpa.

Been pregnant during lockdown was hard, I seemed to have pains early on which was worrying, so we had a private scan, on the last day the clinic was open we just about managed to get in, only to be told the couldn’t see a heartbeat, but they couldn’t rescan me a week later like they normally would since they was shutting due to the pandemic.

Although they was able to see a cyst on my ovary which was causing the pain. So after another couple of weeks with pains still in my stomach we found another private scan clinic to go and have another scan in the hope I would be far enough along to find a heartbeat. Which they found, and was such a relief.

Going to my first hospital scan alone was a strange feeling, been sat in the hospital with chairs spread out, every seat filled with pregnant women who were a lot further along than me, been left alone with my thought the worry of, would there still be a heartbeat, and would I have to face that news that many women would have faced during the lockdown.

Everything looked good, my partner was glad to hear when he collected my from the hospital after, gutted that he wasn’t able to be there with me, but we was both glad that we had managed to experience the first images of our baby together at our private scan.

When the time came for my 20 week scan (again alone), I still had that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, what if I had bad news, and was going to have to deal with it alone. Everything went well with the scan, and I just had to wait back in he reception for something else (pretty normal I guess) I seemed to be sat there for ages, I seen another women faint and have to be taken into a separate room, I could see people coming and going with paper work that had been signed off for people.

Enough time passed that I thought I should ask, had I made a mistake and was actual able to have left already. It was at this point I found out I was waiting for someone else to double check my paperwork, since my bloods had come back showing I had low PAPP-A.

What did that mean, I had no idea, my partner was sat in the car starting to worry, they gave me a leaflet about it to read while I was waiting to see a consultant. My head was all over the place, to be reading I was now a high risk pregnancy that would need monthly scans, from 28weeks, that I was at higher risk of miscarrying in the 2nd half of pregnancy, that I wouldn’t be allowed to go over my due date, due to the risk of still birth if I did, I was more likely to have a low birth weight baby, and for them to come early It was terrifying to be going through all this alone.

As my pregnancy progressed, I found an amazing group that supported low PAPP-A, and started to realise that although there was possible risks, it was highly unlikely, and that really in the UK, we don’t know much about it, which is why they are putting extra measure in place to monitor the risks.

But obviously the worry was there through my pregnancy.

One positive that I took from having low PAPP-A, was been able to have extra scans to not only see my little boy, but that I knew they was keeping a close eye on me, that if anything was worrying it would be found quickly.

My boy was actually born in November while in the second lockdown, which we thought fell quite nicely considering we was all off work anyway.

I will admit my experience giving birth (the broke my waters to induce me at 39weeks) wasn’t bad at all.

Yes I was waiting on my own for a room to come available, that I would be taken into for my water to be broke, but as soon as that room came free my partner was allowed to come in.

When I eventually go my room, my partner came in with a McDonalds, and was with me for a good hour before they broke my waters. Within an hour my contractions had started, and from been in active labour I gave birth within 50mins. The staff at heartlands were fantastic, and didn’t rush us out of the room after I had given birth. My partner was able to stay with me, I was able to shower and feel a bit more normal before we was moved. My partner was able to stay on the bay with me and our boy for an hour after, which although it was late, and I just wanted to sleep it was nice, to to have him leave as soon as I gave birth.

So what can I say about been pregnant and giving birth in lockdown? Pregnancy is scary, you worry about slipping through the net, and having to face it on your own, but to be fair good hope hospital was lovely and made sure they monitored me through out, that it would have been unlikely it wouldn’t have been spotted had there been any problem.

Giving birth the team was great, friendly, helpful and very supportive through the whole process. As scary as it may be the NHS have done a brilliant job for myself with my pregnancy and birth.

I was very lucky with my experience and how everything fell, since it actually meant I was also able to get my own newborn baby photos done the start of December when my boy was 3weeks.

I think my biggest advice for anyone going through it during a lockdown and pandemic, would be as hard as it is, try to stay calm relaxed, and go with the flow of everything, a lot is out of our control in the current situation, but try not to worry, and enjoy as much as you can of your pregnancy and your experience.

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